RSE is a multi-disciplinary firm providing professional services to rail transit and other clients responsible for transportation infrastructure. RSE's staff delivers a broad range of experience and expertise in engineering, design, planning, surveying, and construction services.
Our innovative and client-driven team has provided a wide range of services to a number of rail transit agencies, railroad companies, and transportation authorities in the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California. The current major rail transit clients include Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB – Caltrain), Santa Clara County Transportation Authority (VTA), BART, Southern California Regional Railroad Authority (SCRRA – Metrolink), and Riverside County Transportation Authority (RCTC).
RSE is a minority owned Disadvantage Business Entity (DBE) with the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP). RSE is also a Small Business Entity registered with all major transit authorities including Caltrains, VTA, PCJPB, BART, LA Metro, RCTC, and SCRRA.