Project Description
The purpose of this project is to conduct hazard analysis and provide preliminary and final engineering designs for the safety improvements of the 42 crossings along the Caltrain Commuter Rail Corridor from San Francisco to San Jose. The design work will include implementation of mitigation measures previously identified in the Grade Crossing Hazard Analysis Report.
Scope of Services
Performing site investigation and analysis at the 11 grade crossings to confirm the proposed mitigation improvements still apply
Performing preliminary and final engineering design and specifications for track and roadway alignments; crossing layouts and site improvements; crossing gates and medians; drainage and utilities; and traffic and railroad signal design
Coordination and integration with Caltrain’s CBOSS PTC and Electrification projects
Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB) – Caltrain
San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties, California
42 Crossings